【2023亞洲事實查核論壇:特邀講者】南非查核組織Africa Check總編輯 Lee Mwiti
● Africa Check
Africa Check is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and media in Africa. The aim of our work is to improve the quality of information available to society across the continent.
We do this through a multifaceted approach that includes fact-checking, media literacy, training, networking and outreach activities.
非營利組織《Africa Check》成立於2012年,旨在促進與提升非洲區域的公共辯論和媒體報導的準確性。我們的工作目標放眼全非洲,希望提升整整體非洲社會可取得資訊的質量。
▌Lee Mwiti李・姆威帝/Chief Editor 總編審

Lee Mwiti has been the editor-in-chief of Africa Check, Africa's first independent fact-checking organisation, with offices in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal, since 2019. He holds a master's degree in international studies, a bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences and a qualification in journalism.
He was previously deputy editor of the pan-African Mail and Guardian Africa and senior Africa writer for the Nation Media Group – the largest media house in East and Central Africa.
With a focus on Africa, his interests include artificial intelligence in the newsroom and the psychology of disinformation.
李・姆威帝( Lee Mwiti)自2019年起擔任南非查核組織《Africa Check》的總編審。該組織是非洲第一家獨立事實查核機構,在南非、奈及利亞、肯亞和塞內加爾設有辦公室。李擁有國際研究碩士、生物醫學學士學位,並取得記者資格。
他曾擔任泛非洲媒體《Mail and Guardian Africa》的副編輯,並擔任東非和中非最大媒體機構《Nation Media Group》的資深非洲作家。