?2023亞洲事實查核專業論壇:全球視野 Forum on Fact-checking in Asia 2023: Global Perspectives
查核中心將在7月3日和4日,舉辦【亞洲事實查核專業論壇】,講者來自國際查核組織聯盟(IFCN),以及七家國際查核組織,包括美國PolitiFact、西班牙Maltida.es、阿根廷Chequeado、巴西 Aos Fatos 、南非Africa Check、香港Annie Lab、約旦Fatabyyano等。
◖ 論壇資訊 ◗
❍ 日期|2023年7月3日-7月4日 上午9:30報到,活動時間早上10:00到下午5:00
❍ 地點|國立台灣大學法律學院霖澤館/國際會議廳
❍ 主辦單位|台灣事實查核中心
❍ 語言|提供英文/中文同步口譯服務
❍ 報名費|單日NT200元/雙日NT400元(報名成功後,會另有繳費通知)
❍ 名額|名額有限,採取先報名先錄取,額滿後為候補名單
◖ Forum Information ◗
❍ Date: July 3-4, 2023 (AM9:30 check in)
❍ Venue: Conference Hall of Tsai Lecture Hall at College of Law, National Taiwan University
(Intersection of Xinhai Road Section 2 and Fuxing South Road, Taipei City)
❍ Organizer: Taiwan FactCheck Center
❍ Language: Simultaneous interpretation provided (English / Mandarin)
❍ Registration fee: NTD$200/day
❍ Seats would be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
◖ 聯絡窗口 Contact Us◗
TFC活動專員 游宜瑄 Tanya You
Email: tanyayou@tfc-taiwan.org
● International Fact-Checking Network
The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter was launched in 2015 to bring together the growing community of fact-checkers around the world and advocates of factual information in the global fight against misinformation. We enable fact-checkers through networking, capacity building and collaboration. IFCN promotes the excellence of fact-checking to more than 100 organizations worldwide through advocacy, training and global events. Our team monitors trends in the fact-checking field to offer resources to fact-checkers, contribute to public discourse and provide support for new projects and initiatives that advance accountability in journalism.We believe truth and transparency can help people be better informed and equipped to navigate harmful misinformation.
▌Ferdi Ferhat Özsoy費爾迪.費爾哈特.茲索伊/Interim Director of IFCN 臨時總監
We regret to inform you that Mr. Ferdi F. Özsoy will be unable to attend the forum as his wife has unfortunately been involved in an accident.
Ferdi Ferhat Özsoy is the Interim Director of International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at The Poynter Institute, the premier global coalition of fact-checking organizations. Before joining IFCN he co-Founded Turkey’s first and only Political Fact-Checking Doğruluk Payı (Share of Truth) in 2014 along with Turkey’s open data platform Veri Kaynagi (Data Source). Another project he ran while in Turkey was W.A.I.T. where he interviewed 120 Syrians living in Turkey to share their life stories with the public to fight the growing misinformation and xenophobia against Syrians living in Turkey. Ferdi holds a dual degree in history and political science from CUNY Brooklyn College and an M.A. in International Relations from Istanbul Bilgi University.
費爾迪.費爾哈特.茲索伊是國際事實查核聯盟(IFCN)的臨時總監,該聯盟隸屬於波因特研究所。在加入IFCN之前,他於2014年與土耳其的開放數據平台Veri Kaynagi(數據來源)共同創辦了土耳其第一家、也是唯一的政治事實查核機構Doğruluk Payı(分享真實)。
▌Alanna Dvorak阿蘭娜.德弗札克/International training manager國際教育培訓經理
Alanna Dvorak is the International Training Manager with IFCN, where she helps produce interactive learning materials for journalists around the globe.
Prior to her current role at Poynter, Dvorak worked as an interactive learning producer on the News University team. She began her career working as a local reporter covering public safety, health and sports before delving into the non-profit realm. Dvorak holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of North Carolina and a master’s degree in international development studies with a concentration in democracy development from the George Washington University.
在加入波因特學院擔之前,阿蘭娜曾在新聞大學(News University)團隊擔任互動學習製作人。她的職業生涯始於擔任地方記者,報導公共安全、健康和體育新聞,後來轉向非營利領域。阿蘭娜擁有北卡羅來納大學新聞與大眾傳播學士學位,以及華盛頓大學國際發展研究碩士學位,專攻民主發展。
● PolitiFact
PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter. It is a nonprofit news organization housed at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida, with offices there and in Washington, D.C.
▌Angie Drobnic Holan 安吉.霍蘭/Editor-in-chief 總編審
Angie Drobnic Holan is editor-in-chief of PolitiFact, the national politics fact-checking website at the Poynter Institute. From Washington, D.C., she leads PolitiFact’s coverage of U.S. politics, political campaigns and the federal government and its fact-checking of misinformation on social media. She was a reporter with PolitiFact when it launched in 2007 and was on the team that won the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting in 2009. She serves on the advisory board of the International Fact-checking Network and holds dual master's degrees in journalism and library science. As a 2022-23 Nieman fellow at Harvard University, she studied the relationship between journalism and democracy.
安吉.霍蘭是美國非營利新聞組織波因特學院(Poynter Institute)的
● Annie Lab / The University of Hong Kong
Annie Lab operates both as a fact-checking media outlet and a training program for students at the University of Hong Kong. We believe this ‘teaching newsroom model’ complements our goal to create a future community of discerning news audiences who can adequately respond to rampant misinformation.
《Annie Lab》是一個香港大學的事實查核媒體機構與學生培訓項目。我們相信這種「教學式編輯台模式」能夠輔助培養「能妥善應對猖獗錯假資訊的理性新聞觀眾社群」。
▌Masato Kajimoto 鍛治本正人/
Associate Professor at HKU Journalism & Co-Founder of Annie Lab 香港大學新聞與傳媒研究中心副教授 &《Annie Lab》創辦人
Masato Kajimoto, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong. Masato specializes in news literacy education, fact-checking practice, misinformation ecosystem research, and press freedom in Asia. In 2019 he founded the not-for-profit educational organisation ANNIE (Asian Network of News and Information Educators) to develop fun and engaging teaching and learning materials. Its flagship project is the student-driven fact-checking newsroom Annie Lab, a verified signatory of IFCN.
鍛治本正人博士是香港大學新聞與傳媒研究中心的副教授。他專注於新聞素養教育、事實查核實踐、不實訊息生態系統研究以及亞洲的新聞自由。他於2019年創立了非營利教育組織ANNIE(亞洲新聞與資訊教育聯盟),開發有趣、吸引人的教學和學習材料,其旗艦項目是由學生主導的事實查核編輯台《Annie Lab》。《Annie Lab》目前是
● Maldita.es
Maldita.es is a non profit organisation devoted to fighting against disinformation. Our mission is to help citizens make decisions with verified information in hand and to prevent them from “being fooled” by misinformation. It does so through fact-checking, production of explainers, data journalism, technology, education, and new narratives. Furthermore, we do Media Literacy, Academic Research, and Public Policy in order to build a society that everyday grows more capable to identify dis and misinformation before sharing it.
▌Carlos H. Echevarría卡洛斯.H.艾奇瓦利亞/Assistant Director, Head of Public Policy 副總監、公共政策團隊主管
Carlos Hernández-Echevarría joined Maldita.es to oversee its public policy and advocacy operation. He engages with public and private institutions interested in learning from our experience fighting disinformation and advancing more effective policy solutions to address the problem. Before joining Maldita.es, Carlos worked in TV news for 15 years as a reporter, correspondent and executive producer. He has a BA in Journalism (Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, 2006) and a MA in Elections and Campaign Management as a Fulbright Scholar (Fordham University, New York, 2014). He is a regular contributor in several Spanish media and a lecturer at Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.
政府和民間機構合作,試圖從政策層面推動更有效的解決方案。在加入《Maldita.es》前,卡洛斯在電視新聞界工作15年,擔任記者、特派記者和執行製片人。他擁有西班牙Universidad San Pablo CEU新聞學學士學位,並以傅爾布萊特學者(Fulbright Scholar)身份在2014年獲得福特漢姆大學選舉和競選管理碩士學位。他也是多家西班牙媒體的定期撰稿人,並在阿爾卡拉大學擔任講師。
● Fatabyyano
Fatabyyano is the leading Fact-checking platform in the MENA region, it followed by more than 1,000,000 Arabic-speaking followers,Fatabyyano the first Arabic-speaking IFCN verified Fact-checking signatory, and a Third-Party Fact-checking Partner with META across 19 Countries in the MENA region.
▌Moath N. Althaher 莫舍.N.歐薩赫/CEO and Founder 執行長兼創辦人
Dr. Moath Althaher, is the CEO & Founder of Fatabyyano; an IFCN verified Fact-checking signatory, and a Third-Party Fact-checking Partner with META across 19 Countries in the MENA region. Dr.Althaher, works as a Fact-checking, MIL & OSINT trainer and consultantwith +10 years experience. He had supervised +4000 Fact-checks, and trained +500 Fact-checkers from all over the world via working with many well-known organizations as CFI, UNESCO, DW Akademie, & Poynter.
莫舍.N.歐薩赫博士是《Fatabyyano》的執行長兼創辦人。《Fatabyyano》獲得國際事實查核聯盟(IFCN)認證,在中東和北非(MENA)地區與Meta合作,擔任第三方事實查核合作夥伴,查核範圍涵蓋19個國家。歐薩赫博士是一位擁有逾10年經驗的事實查核、媒體素養和開源情報(OSINT)的培訓講師和顧問。他經手過4000多個事實查核報告,並與CFI、聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)、德國之聲學院(DW Akademie)和波因特學院(Poynter)等眾多知名組織合作,現已在全球培訓500多名事實查核記者。
● Chequeado
Chequeado is the first fact-checking initiative in Latin America and the Global South. Chequeado has 4 areas – Education, Innovation & Communication, Media and Research & Impact – that work to improve the quality of the public debate, strengthen the democratic system and encourage civic participation based on data journalism, education and innovation.
▌Pablo M. Fernandez 帕布羅.M.費南德茲/Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief 執行長和總編輯
Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief at Chequeado. Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and member of UBACyT research team on technology and media, and Professor of the Master's Degree in Innovation in Digital Media at Torcuato Di Tella University. Author and founder of Jomofis, an independent workers' community. Blogger on Onlain. Co-lead in the Diyitales podcast. Former editor of Lanacion.com (Breaking news, homepage and technology) and digital magazines of La Nación (Brando, Living, Lugares, Hola, Maru, Ohlala, Rolling Stone and Susana).
媒體研究團隊成員,以及托爾夸托迪特利亞大學(Torcuato Di Tella University)數位媒體創新碩士課程的教授。帕布羅創辦獨立
工作者社群Jomofis,並擔任作者,也在Onlain網誌上撰寫部落格,並共同主持Podcast節目Diyitales。他曾在Lanacion.com和數位雜誌La Nación等擔任編輯。
● Africa Check
Africa Check is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and media in Africa. The aim of our work is to improve the quality of information available to society across the continent.We do this through a multifaceted approach that includes fact-checking, media literacy, training, networking and outreach activities.
非營利組織《Africa Check》成立於2012年,旨在促進與提升非洲區域的公共辯論和媒體報導的準確性。我們的工作目標放眼全非洲,
▌Lee Mwiti李・姆威帝/Chief Editor 總編審

Lee Mwiti has been the editor-in-chief of Africa Check, Africa's first independent fact-checking organisation, with offices in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal, since 2019. He holds a master's degree in international studies, a bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences and a qualification in journalism.He was previously deputy editor of the pan-African Mail and Guardian Africa and senior Africa writer for the Nation Media Group – the largest media house in East and Central Africa.
With a focus on Africa, his interests include artificial intelligence in the newsroom and the psychology of disinformation.
李・姆威帝自2019年起擔任南非查核組織《Africa Check》的總編審。
該組織是非洲第一家獨立事實查核機構,在南非、奈及利亞、肯亞和塞內加爾設有辦公室。李擁有國際研究碩士、生物醫學學士學位及記者資格。他曾擔任泛非洲媒體《Mail and Guardian Africa》的副編輯,並擔任東非和中非最大媒體機構《Nation Media Group》資深非洲作家。他主要
● Aos Fatos
Aos Fatos is a journalistic outlet centered on fact-checking and investigating disinformation campaigns. It focuses on the hybridization of technology and journalistic investigation to inform about the lies politicians tell, the disinformation campaigns coordinated by the powerful, and the influence of technology companies in this environment. Its production is based on a rigorous methodology of investigation and verification recognized internationally through partnerships and awards.
《Aos Fatos》是一家以事實查核和調查虛假資訊活動為主的新聞機構。它專注於科技與新聞調查的融合,旨在揭露政治人物的謊言、權勢行動者的虛假訊息行動,與科技公司在資訊生態系中的影響。《Aos Fatos》的工作成果都是基於一套嚴謹的調查和驗證方法學,其方法學長久下來獲得合作夥伴、獎項和國家機構的認可。
▌Tai Nalon泰伊.奈隆/Executive director執行長
Tai Nalon is a founder and the executive director of the award-winning disinformation watchdog company Aos Fatos. She leads the team that won the 2020 Gabriel García Márquez Award on Innovation; the 2020 Digital Media LATAM for best digital project; the 2019 Claudio Weber Abramo Brazilian Data Journalism Awards on Innovation; and was a finalist for the 2019 Online Journalism Awards on General Excellence for micronewsrooms.With over 14 years of experience in newsrooms and journalism innovation projects, she has worke with a focus on national politics and public policies.
泰伊.奈隆是巴西查核組織《Aos Fatos》的創始人和執行董事,該組織因為對於虛假訊息的監測工作屢獲殊榮。她的團隊曾贏得2020年Gabriel García Márquez創新獎、2020年LATAM數位媒體最佳數位項目獎、2019年Claudio Weber Abramo巴西數據新聞創新獎,並入圍2019年線上新聞獎的優秀編輯台獎。泰伊擁有超過14年的編輯台和創新新聞項目經驗,重點關注國家政治和公共政策。
▌ Shih-Hung Lo 羅世宏/President of Taiwan FactCheck Foundation 台灣事實查核教育基金會董事長
Dr. Luo Shi-Hong (Lo Shih-Hung) joined Taiwan FactCheck Foundation in 2019 and assumed the role of Chairman in 2022. He is a professor in the Department of Communication at National Chung Cheng University. Dr. Luo also serves as the Chairman of Taiwan Media Watch Foundation. His research interests lie in Chinese internet censorship, crises in the Taiwanese news industry, and communication policy research. He is dedicated to advocating media reforms in Taiwan and has been actively involved in addressing issues related to media landscape and governance.
▌ Tzen-Ping Su 蘇正平/Chairman of the Foundation for Excellent Journalism Award, Board member of Taiwan FactCheck Education Foundation 卓越新聞獎基金會董事長 & 台灣事實查核教育基金會董事
He graduated from the Department of Economics at National Taiwan University. He holds a Master's degree in National Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt) from the University of Frankfurt in Germany. In 1988, he transitioned to the field of news media and has held various positions including journalist, researcher, editor-in-chief of the Independence Evening Post, and chief editor of Taiwan Daily. In 2000, he served as the Director of the Government Information Office. In 2002, he became the Chairman of the Central News Agency. In 2009, he co-founded the online news media outlet Newstalk. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Excellent Journalism Foundation and is also a board member of the Taiwan FactCheck Center.
▌Summer Chen 陳慧敏/Chief-in-Editor 總編輯
Summer Chen is the Editor-in-Chief of Taiwan FactCheck Center. Taiwan FactCheck Center is the first fact-checking organization, collaborating with Facebook, Yahoo, and LINE in the Chinese-speaking world since 2018.Before being a fact checker, she was a journalist for a daily economic newspaper. She started to be a fact checker in 2019. She leads the TFC team to fight several battles against misinformation. TFC won the Best Corrected award of Global Fact7 and was an initiative of CoronaVirusFacts Alliance in 2020. TFC fought against the disinformation during the China Military exercises in Aug 2022. She loves to be one part of the fact-checking community.
▌Lev Nachman 南樂/國立政治大學社會科學院助理教授 Assistant Professor at the College of Social Sciences at National Chengchi University
Lev Nachman is an Assistant Professor in the College of Social Science at National Chengchi University. He is also a is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub and the National Bureau of Asian Research He was previously the Hou family postdoctoral research fellow in Taiwan Studies at the Harvard Fairbank Center and holds his PhD in political science from the University of California, Irvine. His research focuses on political participation and social protest in Taiwan, Cross-Strait relations, and U.S.-Taiwan relations.
Nachman regularly provides commentary on Taiwanese and cross-strait politics and US-Taiwan relations. He is frequently quoted in the New York Times, CNN, Bloomberg, the BBC, and the Guardian. He publishes widely in outlets including Foreign Policy, the Diplomat, and peer-reviewed journals including Political Research Quarterly and Asian Survey. He is based in Taipei and speaks fluent Mandarin.
▌Ming-Hung Wang 王銘宏 /國立中正大學資工系助理教授Assistant Professor of Computor Science and Imformation Engineering at National Chung Cheng University
I am leading the Digital Society and Security Lab (DIGI-SSL), where we focus on investigating issues related to computational social science and network security. Our lab integrates statistical learning, graph theory, computer vision, and other computer science methods to study large-scale social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
我於國立中正大學資工系主持數位社會與安全實驗室,針對計算社會科學和網路安全相關的議題進行研究。我們的實驗室整合了統計學習、圖論、電腦視覺和其他電腦科學方法,研究大型社群媒體平台如Facebook、Instagram 和 TikTok 上的資訊傳播和操作。
▌Pauline Chen 陳柏樺 /Sr. Coordinator & Acting Director 資深教育專員&代理教育總監
Pauline Chen joined the Education Department of Taiwan FactCheck Foundation in November 2021, responsible for various projects to enhance media literacy among the public. Previously worked as an editor and reporter in the media industry, including the Central News Agency and Business Today (Magazine), and has received Tseng Hsu-pai Journalism Award, the SOPA Award for Excellence, and the Excellent Journalism Award.