國際事實查核聯盟組(International Fact-checking Network)串聯88家查核組織,組成新冠肺炎病毒事實聯盟( CoronaVirusFacts Alliance),共同打擊新冠肺炎的不實訊息。這座資料庫,從3月19日上線,僅有800則查核報告。到五月的現在,已經累積有5000則查核報告,來自44種語言。而台灣事實查核中心業已發表140則查核,在中文世界中,占據重要的角色。
國際事實查核聯盟正在徵集學術研究計畫,若入選,將可以獲准取得新冠肺炎病毒事實聯盟( CoronaVirusFacts Alliance)的查核報告數位資料,供做研究之用,也可能獲得最高一萬美元的研究獎助金。研究主要目的,是幫助全球事實查核社群打擊不實訊息。
※ 分析事實查核記者在打擊新冠肺炎時的侷限和挑戰,在未來的合作如何提升和改善
We are very happy at IFCN to announce this call for research proposals for the database accumulated by IFCN led the CoronaVirusFacts Alliance
On March 19, the alliance published its database of fact-checked content, which identified more than 800 falsehoods about the spreading pandemic. Today, the CoronaVirusFacts database offers more than 5,000 fact checks that have been published by 88 organizations in 44 different languages. It is the most comprehensive and active database about COVID-19 mis/disinformation.
The next step for the CoronaVirusFacts Alliance is to more fully tap the expertise and work of academics and researchers. Fact-checkers understand that the alliance's database gathers many in-depth stories and can offer a better understanding of the “infodemic.” By working together, fact-checkers and academic researchers will expand the knowledge base about COVID-19 and further elevate the fight against health mis/disinformation. A limited, searchable version of the database is available on this page. Access to the full dataset will be provided only to vetted researchers to prevent monetization and exploitation of the dataset created by the fact-checkers.
The Dataset
See here (.csv) a preview of the dataset (30 rows sample).
See here (.pdf) for a detailed description of what the dataset includes.
- The International Fact-Checking Network is accepting proposals from academics and researchers. Possible topics to be addressed include but are not limited to:
- Investigating claims and the spread of mis/disinformation on COVID-19 across different media platforms and different national or language environments.
- Exploring themes, styles, imagery or other features of mis/disinformation around COVID-19.
- Investigating the characteristics and behaviors of actors (both individuals and groups) that surfaced and helped spread COVID-19 hoaxes.
- Finding ways to measure the impact of the fact-checking activity when addressing certain hoaxes.
- Analyzing the limitations and challenges that fact-checkers have faced to tackle mis/disinformation during the COVID-19 outbreak. Surfacing questions and areas of improvement for fact-checkers in future collaborative efforts.
What to expect:
The International Fact-Checking Network will provide all the accepted proposals with access to the data accumulated by the CoronavirusFacts Alliance.
A limited number of the accepted proposals – those that can clearly demonstrate the need for funding – could be awarded up to $10,000 to conduct the study. To request this support, researchers should demonstrate that their work will have an imminent impact on the fact-checking community and that the IFCN's funding is crucial for their work. The funding opportunity is made available from WhatsApp's support to IFCN.
Please fill out the following form if you think you qualify for this funding.
Overall expectations:
All proposals should be submitted in English and include:
- A short introduction with knowledge gaps and research question(s).
- A theoretical framework, if applicable.
- Notes on methodology, including other data that will be analyzed.
- A plan for dissemination of your research findings.
- Background information on the researcher(s), including an abbreviated bio that describes previous and current research that relates to the proposal.
Information about submitting:
All proposals will be assessed by a group of researchers affiliated with the Digital Journalism Research Group at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), which the IFCN is cooperating with. The group includes:
- Lucas Graves, associate professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Steen Steensen, professor, OsloMet.
- Bente Kalsnes, associate professor, Kristiania University College.
Proposals can be submitted here until May 29, 2020. Accepted proposals will be notified by June 12. Grant recipients will be notified by June 19.
Best wishes from IFCN team