【錯誤】傳言引述美國媒體報導指出:「美國 FBI已經警告我們華人區,將會有暴動,因為美國有六十萬的無業流氓,最近監獄又釋放很多罪犯出來…他們會出來生事、暴動搶劫,向我們華人下手」?
【錯誤】傳言引述美國媒體報導指出:「美國 FBI已經警告我們華人區,將會有暴動,因為美國有六十萬的無業流氓,最近監獄又釋放很多罪犯出來…他們會出來生事、暴動搶劫,向我們華人下手」?
一、傳言引述的是《ABC News》2020年3月27日報導〈FBI警告 疫情期間反亞裔的仇恨犯罪增加〉。
「這是美國ABC news ,人離鄉賤,別人屋沿下不得不低頭。謹慎能捕千秋蟬,小心駛得萬年船!
美國 F B I已經警告我們華人區,將會有暴動,因為美國有六十萬的無業流氓,最近監獄又釋放很多罪犯出來,政府補助有報税的人民,但是他們沒錢分,所以他們會出來生事、暴動搶劫,向我們華人下手,(病毒是華人帶進來的,這是他們的唯一理由),請大家多多小心!
這是 FBI 的新聞… 大家還是小心為要。」
查核中心檢索此傳言,傳言附上的新聞為《ABC News》2020年3月27日的報導〈FBI警告 疫情期間反亞裔的仇恨犯罪增加〉(FBI warns of potential surge in hate crimes against Asian Americans amid coronavirus)。
圖3:《ABC News》報導擷圖
查核中心檢視原始新聞。此為《ABC News》獨家取得FBI內部報告。這份報告列舉了近期洛杉磯、紐約、德州的一連串傷害案件,指出部分美國民眾將新冠病毒和中國、亞裔人口聯想在一起,因此最近反對亞裔美國人的仇恨犯罪事件呈現上升趨勢。
《ABC News》的報導是在強調公眾人物的言論,為最近美國國內反亞裔的情緒推波助瀾,並沒有提及「無業流氓、罪犯」、「會出來生事、暴動搶劫」。
一、傳言引述的是《ABC News》2020年3月27日報導〈FBI警告 疫情期間反亞裔的仇恨犯罪增加〉。
(註:首圖取自Unsplash.com;作者:Milad B. Fakurian)
Federal law enforcement is warning of an increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans as the coronavirus crisis continues to grow, according to a new FBI analysis obtained by ABC News.
根據《ABC News》取得一份FBI報告,美國聯邦執法單位警告,隨著新冠疫情升溫,反亞裔美國人的仇恨犯罪呈增加趨勢。
“The FBI assesses hate crime incidents against Asian Americans likely will surge across the United States, due to the spread of coronavirus disease … endangering Asian American communities,” according to the intelligence report, which was compiled by the FBI’s Houston office and distributed to local law enforcement agencies across the country. “The FBI makes this assessment based on the assumption that a portion of the US public will associate COVID-19 with China and Asian American populations.”
The contagion that has left much of the nation in near-lockdown and caused thousands of deaths globally began late last year in the region of Wuhan in eastern China. Since then, many Americans, including President Donald Trump and other political leaders and media commentators, have adopted the practice of calling the ailment the “China virus” or some other variant that makes reference to China or Wuhan, rather than “coronavirus” or “COVID-19,” the terms used by federal health officials and in the FBI analysis. The rhetoric, critics say, has fueled ill will and has led some people to act out against Asian Americans.
Trump has defended his language, explaining that it’s simply a way of reminding people from where the virus emanated. He has also denied the term is racist or that the term maligns people of Asian heritage.
“It did come from China,” Trump said at a White House briefing Tuesday. “It is a very accurate term.”
Two days later the president said, “We have to protect our Asian Americans,” echoing a tweet from earlier in the week in which he said the coronavirus was “NOT their fault in any way, shape, or form.” At a White House briefing Thursday the president could not point to any specific measures he was taking to protect the Asian American community.
The FBI report made no reference to Trump or any other official.
The analysis noted there has already been a surge in reports of hate crimes and lists a series of incidents from Los Angeles to New York to Texas.
The document detailed a March 14 incident in Midland, Texas, in which “three Asian American family members, including a 2-year-old and 6-year-old, were stabbed … The suspect indicated that he stabbed the family because he thought the family was Chinese, and infecting people with the coronavirus.”
FBI spokesperson Lauren Hagee said she could not comment on the document but stressed, “we do want to assure the public the FBI remains committed to ensuring national security and pursuing violations of federal law.”
Statistics show that the Asian population in the U.S. grew by 72% between 2000 and 2015, making it the fastest-growing ethnic group in the country, according to the Pew Research Center.
Gregg Orton, national director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans, told ABC News the intelligence document “is an indication of how serious the problem is. We need to stop dismissing this. It’s easy to dismiss racism when it doesn’t impact you.”
亞太裔美國人國家委員會主席Gregg Orton告訴《ABC News》,這份FBI報告「是問題有多嚴重的指標,我們需要停止忽略它,如果它沒有影響到你,你很容易忽略種族主義。」
Orton said he and his colleagues expect a continue uptick in incidents and he stressed how the matter is not minor. “This is people’s safety and it’s affecting their lives,” he said.
Gregg Orton和同事預測,類似事件將持續增加,並強調「這有關民眾的人身安全,影響著我們的生活。」
“Maybe it is China’s fault or the [Chinese] government’s fault,” Orton said of the spread of the virus throughout and then out of China. “There will be a time and place for that conversation. But right now we’re in the thick of this and we have to be mindful of the language we’re using.”
提到疫情從中國散播出去時,Gregg Orton指出:「這(疫情)可能是中國的錯,或中國政府的錯,這有時間溝通,但現在我們感到無所適從,我們也必須對一些用語小心謹慎。」