
Sowing the Seeds of Fact-checking by Promoting Media Literacy

Media literacy education is necessary but not easy, especially for regions covering various countries and with different languages in use. The rural-urban disparity in access to the internet and information and the age gap can also be barriers for fact-checking groups that strive to improve people’...

China factor in media poses different challenges to fact-checking

How fact-checking organizations in the Chinese-speaking region cope with disinformation was a focus of attention of the panel on the China factor on the second day of the Forum on Fact-Checking in Asia 2023. The “China factor” has taken different forms in different societies but made the task of...

Fairness, Transparency, and Independence are crucial in fact-checking politicians

Fact-checking claims made by politicians fairly and squarely in a politically polarized society is a necessary but difficult task.  Fact-checking specialists from Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. shared their experiences and skills in verifying political messages and communicating with the public...

TFC weekly monitoring report, Jun 5- 11, 2023: A week of health-related rumors

  Misinformation circulated in the past week mainly revolved around the pandemic, scams, health, and daily life. These types of messages pique people's curiosity and are often shared widely, but they are misleading and cause unnecessary worry. 



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