【中央廣播電台英文】Taiwan Fact Check Center
【2020年4月12日 中央廣播電台英文/On the Line】
Information on coronavirus news at the website of Taiwan Fact Check Center
Webpage of Taiwan Fact Check Center (screenshot from Taiwan Fact Check Center)
Fake news regarding drinking warm water or salt water or vinegar to kill coronavirus (Screenshot from Taiwan Fact Check Center Facebook)
Coronavirus fact checking alliance (Photo taken from Taiwan Fact Check Center)
Fake news in simplified Chinese saying that a couple, both doctors have been infected in Italy and have rescued 134 COVID-19 patients and they decided to take off their masks and kiss each other before their death (Photo taken from Taiwan Fact Check Center)
Taiwan Fact Check Center was jointly founded by Taiwan Media Watch and the Association for Quality Journalism in July 2018. The objectives of the Center are to conduct fact checks on information relevant to public affairs as well as to improve the information ecology and news quality of Taiwan. Taiwan Fact Check Center works with ITCN (International Fact-checking Network-Poynter), an umbrella organization of news checking organizations.Summer Chen Hui-min, editor in chief of Taiwan Fact Check Center said her Center also teaches digital literacy to the public in Taiwan and sends media alerts to debunk disinformation and she urges the public to verify sources of information via their website or the website of ITCN.
This is an example of false information (in Chinese and English/source from TFC website)
Taiwan Fact Check Center (in Chinese and partly in English)
ITCN (International Fact-checking Network-Poynter) (in English